Ex Factor Guide REVIEW – Download Brad Browning PDF

Ex Factor Guide REVIEW – Download Brad Browning PDF

In this Ex Factor Guide review, we got the unbiased opinion of both one of our male and female product reviewers. They reviewed The Ex Factor Guide Brad Browning dating program for both men and women.

The Ex Factor Guide is a program geared towards helping you get your ex back. There’s an Ex Factor Guide for men that helps them get their ex-girlfriend back. Similarly, there’s an Ex Factor Guide for women to help them get their ex-boyfriend back. We wanted to test both versions, so we enlisted the help of Emily and Mack. And I, Michael, was left responsible for compiling their opinions and putting together this Ex Factor Guide review.

So what did Emily and Mack think? Did The Ex Factor Guide help them get their ex back for good? Is Brad Browning a scam? Let’s find out in this Ex Factor Guide review.

Ex Factor Guide Review

So lets dive right into this Ex Factor Guide review.

First, let’s tell you the cost and what’s exactly in the program:

Cost: Less than $50 (click here to see lowest available price)
What’s Included:
1) 220 page PDF ebook
2) 5 hour audio book version
3) 3 “Pro Series” videos
4) 2 bonus ebooks: Both men & women get the same 1st bonus: 7 Steps to Sex Appeal ebook
While women get 2nd bonus: Text The Love Back
And men get: 10 Commandments of Sexual Attraction
5) (OPTIONAL) The Relationship Repair VIP Membership – 30 day trial (after 30 days, you’ll be charged $47 once)

I provided both Emily & Mack access to the Ex Factor program and 2 weeks to study & use the advice. I then brought them both separately into my office and asked them each 5 questions that I thought most people interested in an Ex Factor Guide review would want answered. Finally, I asked them both to come into my office and we had a group discussion about the Ex Back Factor.

So let’s jump right into the 5 Ex Factor Guide questions:

How Does The Ex Factor Guide Compare To Other “Ex Back” Programs?

Emily said she had no prior experience with any “ex back” program. She did say it was much better than any advice she had received from her friends, co-workers or family.

Mack said that the Ex Factor Guide was the best “general” ex back program that he studied. He said that Brad Browning does a good job covering “multiple areas”. He thought because of this, there was other products better at “very specific” ways of getting your ex back. For example, he said he studied a program completely focused on getting your ex back by text messaging that was far more thorough and comprehensive than the chapter in the Ex Factor Guide.

Did The Ex Factor Guide Work In Getting Your Ex Back?

Emily said that it did help her get the interest in her ex. She ultimately went on a coffee date with him. He asked a lot of questions and showed a renewed interest in her. She decided not to further advance it from there. He did text her several times after their date. She admitted that she hadn’t really talked to her ex in a while or actively pursued him. Based on that, she couldn’t conclusively determine if The Ex Factor Guide was to praise for his rekindled interest.

Mack said it worked great for him. His ex had a history of “blowing him off” any time he tried to make contact with her via text or Facebook. After using the techniques from The Ex Factor Guide, he was able to meet up with her and her friends at a club. She seemed a bit “jealous” and was very “touchy, feely” with him on the dance floor. He said “one thing lead to another” after that and “fireworks” happened. He’s been apparently “dating” her again ever since. I tried to pry more details out of him but he was coy and just gave me a sly smile.

Is The Ex Factor Guide Worth The Download?

Both Emily and Mack were impressed with all the content. Mack particularly liked having the audio book version since he’s not a fan of reading ebooks.

Mack thought the Ex Factor Guide was a great deal for anyone who was looking for an “all encompassing” ex back product. Emily thought it was professionally put together and easy to follow.

They both agreed that the Ex Factor Guide was worth downloading at the price asked.

Is The Optional “Relationship Repair VIP Membership” Worth Getting?

Emily thought the first few weeks of the Relationship Repair VIP Membership was a “great addition” to the Ex Factor Guide. It helped her “stay on focus” after initially reading the Ex Factor Guide PDF.

Mack recommended that others should take advantage of the free trial and then decide if they want to cancel it right before the trial is up. He also thought it “added value” to the program and helped him further. He predicted that it would be worth paying the extra $47 for it after 30 days if you still didn’t have your ex back but were still making progress.

How many stars do you rate The Ex Factor Guide?

Both Mack and Emily agreed that the Ex Factor Guide was great at what it was targeted for. Mack said it covered a lot of “psychological areas” related to getting your ex back. Emily said she really appreciated the wide range of examples provided.

They discussed on whether to give it a 4 or a 4 1/2 stars out of 5. Ultimately, they agreed that it should be given 4 1/2 stars out of 5 because of the value, amount of material and the positive results achieved in helping them get back their ex’s.

Buy it at the lowest offered price by clicking here.

In conclusion of this Ex Factor Guide review, Emily recommends The Ex Factor Brad Browning pdf for women looking to get their ex-boyfriend back. Similarly, Mack recommends getting The Ex Factor Guide for men if you’re looking to get your ex-girlfriend back.

Go get your copy now at the lowest offered price.

No Ex Factor Guide review would be complete without getting your input.

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