Magnetic Messaging REVIEW ~ Key Lock Sequence Examples

Magnetic Messaging REVIEW ~ Key Lock Sequence Examples

Magnetic Messaging is a new dating program for men geared toward texting. In this Magnetic Messaging review, I will go into detail about the program.

Magnetic Messaging Review

Magnetic Messaging is by dating experts Bobby Rio and Rob Judge. Bobby Rio is best known from his TSB Magazine blog and his Make Small Talk Sexy program. I’ve been a huge fan of Bobby for years. I find him to be very knowledgeable, witty and he doesn’t have a big head like some of these dating experts. Don’t worry, I won’t let that cloud my judgement with this Magnetic Messaging review. I’ll keep it fair, honest, and objective like normal.

I’m not so familiar with Rob Judge. I’ve seen him speak at a dating conference once. He has interesting insight and ideas. He just didn’t seem like the most confident and natural speaker. He spoke a bit fast. He didn’t have the stage presence and “aura” of a Tony Robbins. Maybe I’m being too hard on him. This is all just my opinion.

These two dating experts joined forces to create “Magnetic Messaging”. As you can imagine, this program is all about texting girls.

Bobby and Rob start out the PDF by addressing some common issues men have regarding text messaging. For example, when to text a girl you just met. They do a good job of clearing up the confusion men have.

They then move on to telling you what you are doing wrong. They give examples of texts that turn women off. I admit, in the past I’ve been guilty of sending some of these same boring texts.

The next part focuses on the rules of sending texts that turn girls on. Bobby and Rob give plenty of examples. They even provide texts you can copy and use word-for-word.

Everyone who reads this Magnetic Messaging review wants to know about “The Key Lock Sequence”. They really make a big deal about the Key Lock Sequence during the sales video. It basically involves sending a series of 3 text messages in order to catch a girl’s attention and make her want to meet you in-person.

Here’s a quick summary of the “3 texts to turn her on”:

Key Lock Sequence Text Message #1:
Capture her attention

Key Lock Sequence Text Message #2:
Foreshadow a future meeting

Key Lock Sequence Text Message #3:
Turn her on

Let me guess, you want some Magnetic Messaging examples? I don’t want to completely spill the beans on it all in this Magnetic Messaging review, you’ll have to go here to find out all the details. But I will give you an example of Key Lock Sequence Text #1:

“thought of u shopping @ saks”

The idea is that the text will make the girl intrigued. She’ll think, “what did he see in Saks Fifth Avenue that reminded him of me?” “Was it something good… or bad?” She’ll likely immediately reply to your text and eagerly anticipate your response. This example is a text I actually made up myself and is not given in the Magnetic Messaging ebook. I used what I learned from the PDF to create it though. Unlike practically every other Magnetic Messaging review, I actually read the Magnetic Messaging pdf and used it.

It does makes sense that texts like this invoke more emotions and interaction than a boring “hey whats up”.

As you can see, I have used the Key Lock Sequence and find it simple & effective. Text #2 does a great job of stealthily preparing her to meet up in-person. It’s very covert and sneaky. Text #3 is just as sneaky. It prepares subconsciously for “hooking up” with you.

All in all, the Key Lock Sequence is so effective that it’s kind of scary. It’s great if it’s used in a moral way. I do not recommend that guys use it to take advantage of unsuspecting women.

To wrap up this Magnetic Messaging review, this is a good program. Bobby & Rob break down how to interact with women using text messages. I tried out most of the advice and I was quite surprised how well it worked. I used to think interacting with girls by text was hard. But quite surprisingly, my text interactions went much smoother & easier after reading the Magnetic Messaging pdf. I used the suggested cut & paste texts and got great results. I’ve since moved on to tweaking their emails and coming up with my own based upon what I learned.

I think that Magnetic Messaging is worth the money. You get a lot with it. In fact, if you buy it right now through a link on this Magnetic Messaging review page… you get 5 extra bonuses just by purchasing the program using this special link.

Buy it at the lowest offered price by clicking here.

No Magnetic Messaging review would be complete without a star rating. I give the Magnetic Messaging 4 1/2 stars out of 5. Go get your copy now.


  • Earl says:

    So you gave an example of Text Message #1: “thought of u shopping @ saks”

    What about Text Message #2 and #3? No one on this site will buy anything until you can prove that this product has valauble information, using concrete examples.

    • Sam ( says:

      Hey Earl, thanks for commenting! 🙂

      This is strictly a Magnetic Messaging REVIEW… it’s not Cliff Notes of the program.

      We’re like a movie reviewer… they don’t spoil the movie, they just tell you if they think it’s worth paying to see.

      We do our best to explain our opinion without giving away key proprietary details from the product (i.e. we don’t want to get sued 😉 )

      It’s ultimately the product’s sales page’s job to “sell” you on the product and “prove” the product’s value. We are not the creators or owners of Magnetic Messaging.

      You can watch the product’s sales video by clicking here to find out exact details about it.

      Thanks for reading our reviews and commenting!

      Sam Mitchell
      Editor at

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