
DatingBookReview.com is a blog focused on reviewing dating, relationship and sex advice products for both men and women.

The site takes great pride in giving honest, unbiased reviews that are really helpful in making a decision to buy the program or not. Affiliate links are used. If you click through our links and make a purchase, we may receive a commission. This helps fund the site.

Our reviews for female dating products are handled by Emily Porter.

Emily is in her mid 20s and is still looking for Mr. Right.

Our reviews for female relationship products are handled by Anne Butler.

Anne only admits to being “older than 20 and less than 40”. She’s been married for 12 years and has three wonderful children.

Our reviews for male dating products are handled by Mack Turner.

Mack is in his lower 20s and says he enjoys “playing the field”.

Our sex and relationship advice reviewer is Michael Osgard.

Mike has been previously divorced but is now in a healthy 7-month relationship with his current girlfriend.

We are confident that our team will help guide you in making an educated decision on if a product meets your needs and is worth your hard earned money.

But they also need YOUR help, please share your reviews and comments in the section below each review.  We <3 your feedback!

Thanks for reading our reviews!

– The Dating Book Review Team
Emily, Anne, Mack, Mike, Jan & Ted

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